The 4-Week Cutting Meal Plan to Get Shredded

Who says you can’t chow down like a king and still get ripped? Use this ultimate cutting meal plan to lean down in four weeks or less.

The 4-Week Cutting Meal Plan to Get Shredded

Perfecting that Zac Efron-esque beach body takes some time and dedication. So ask yourself: If I were to go to a beach next week, would my body be ready for showtime?

If your answer is “no”—or “not quite,” or “almost”…or anything other than, “Dude, the beach isn’t ready for my body”—then you’re probably searching for a way get lean. In that case, good news: We’ve discovered a brand-new cutting meal plan designed by a former champion bodybuilder that delivers on both taste and nutrition.

This foolproof cutting plan is part of the new book The Bodybuilder’s Kitchen, written by Erin Stern, a two-time Ms. Figure Olympia. Stern knows more about fueling fit bodies than practically anyone. All the recipes and tips below are borrowed from The Bodybuilder’s Kitchen and frankly, it’s one of the finest attack plans for safely shedding pounds that we’ve ever seen. So if you want to strut proudly and sveltely on the beach (or anywhere else) come summertime or your mid-winter tropical getaway, read on.

4 Supplements to Help You Keep Muscle During Cutting Season

4 Supplements to Help You Keep Muscle During Cutti.

Bulking season is over, and now it's time to cut. Keep that hard-earned muscle while dropping fat wi.


Cutting 101

As Stern lays out in the book, the goal of a cutting phase is to trim the body of excess fat while retaining muscle. This is achieved primarily in the kitchen through careful macronutrient manipulation.

Essentially, you want to keep protein intake high and to strategically plan carbohydrate-rich meals around the times when you’re most active. This way, you’ll have the energy you need to train hard, and you’ll still have the nutrients needed to replenish fuel stores in muscles for recovery. You’ll be running a slight caloric deficit to encourage fat loss, which will reveal your muscle. Overall, macro ratios average 20% fats, 40% carbs, and 40% protein.


What to Expect

First, don’t cut for more than one or two months—if you do, problems like yo-yo dieting, a decreased metabolic rate, and muscle loss can occur. On the plus side, reducing caloric intake should create noticeable physique changes within a couple of weeks.

You’ll face two main challenges in a cutting phase: increased hunger and a possible decrease in metabolism. You can combat these issues by eating more lean protein and vegetables, as they’re harder for your body to convert into fat, and protein has a satiating effect. Also, fill a smaller plate with colorful foods. We eat with our eyes, so you’ll be more eager to dig in, and the small plate will trick your brain. Lastly, never starve yourself lean. Stick with the plan, and the results will roll in.

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The Formula for Cutting

Check out the following slides for your grocery list and some cut-friendly recipes.


Shopping List

Stock up on these items at the grocery store when you’re leaning down:


Fruits and Veggies


Banana Shake

Recipe 1: The Elvis Shake

Channel the King with this delicious, low-cal peanut butter and banana shake.

Ready in about 30 minutes, these are perfect for a healthy weeknight meal.

Recipe 2: Tex-Mex Fajitas

Ready in about 30 minutes, these are perfect for a healthy weeknight meal.

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Recipe 3: The Ultimate Low-Cal Feast

This entrée features lightly seasoned cod and a tart and citrusy charred tomatillo salsa. Complementing this meaty fish are hearty beefsteak tomatoes and spiced-up sweet potatoes—two pre-workout powerhouses that aid recovery.

The Macros: