Note: The below spreadsheet is based on the 2019 version of Mike Israetel’s articles on muscle group hypertrophy. As of March 2020, he is in the midst of updating these articles with new guidelines. These guidelines have not yet been taken into account in the spreadsheet, but an updated spreadsheet is in the works. For the latest thinking from Mike Israetel, please read the articles linked in this post. A second update will be posted here when the spreadsheet is updated.
Dr. Mike Israetel published a very popular article entitled Training Volume Landmarks for Rennaisance Periodization.
A summary of the article is below, though reading the article in its entirety is recommended.
Table of Contents
A terrific Lift Vault reader submitted this spreadsheet to help provide more structure to the recommendations made by Mike Israetel in the article. It makes it much easier to use the workout based on your own current strength levels.
This is a 6 day hypertrophy workout routine that runs for a 4 week mesocycle and includes a deload on week 5.
The hypertrophy spreadsheet is based on the principles discussed in the article, though the spreadsheet is in no way affiliated with Mike Israetel. It was constructed based on an interpretation of his training volume landmarks article. If you want real training advice directly from Renaissance Periodization, please see their coaching options.
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In Dr. Israetel’s article, he discussed the following training volume topics:
This allowed for a much more finely tuned hypertrophy-based workout depending on the muscle groups the athlete wanted to develop. It also allows for individual differences to be recognized, as different athletes will have different MV, MEV, MAV, and MRV.
It is important for a lifter to begin to identify these variables in for themself through training. If these variables are not currently understood, they can be learned through experimentation and observation.
Below are summaries of how to find different volume training landmarks for yourself. A full explanation is available in Dr. Israetel’s article.
Many of the below volumes reference “rep strength” or “performance.” Here is how this can be measured.
Performance or rep strength can be measured using RPE or reps in reserve. If during Week 1 of training you did 4 sets of 12 reps of bicep curls with 15 lb dumbbells and felt you had 2 reps in reserve at the end of your 4th set and then you repeated this weight*rep*set scheme at the end of a mesocycle and felt like you had 5 reps in reserve after the final set of curls – congratulations, you increased performance.
Similarly, if the last set during week 1 was RPE 8 and that same weight*rpe*set scheme was an RPE 6 on the test week after a mesocycle, performance was increased.
Mike outlines two methods for calculating your minimum effective volume.
Finding MAV is done by continually adding sets until soreness becomes excessive and peformance begins to degrade. Here is how to quantify excessive soreness and degrading performance.
Kyle Risley founded Lift Vault in 2016 to make finding great powerlifting programs easier. Since then, the site has grown to include hundreds of programs for strength, bodybuilding, Olympic weightlifting, and more. He currently lives in Massachusetts and continues to compete in powerlifting.
7 Week Hypertrophy Program Spreadsheet This is a 7 week hypertrophy program billed the "Generic Hypertrophy Block." Following general periodization principles, this type of program could effectively be used prior to transitioning to a strength block, power block, and peaking block. Generic Hypertrophy Block Spreadsheet Some of the weights will…
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8 Week Hypertrophy Program Spreadsheet (BigCoachD) Edit 9/22/19: Fixed an issue with the inputs. Using a "." (i.e. period, full stop) is now supported in the 1RM input fields. This program is an 8 week hypertrophy training program inspired by Reddit user and strength coach /u/BigCoachD. Good for off-season powerlifting training,…
16 Week Strongman Wave Program Spreadsheet Known simply as "wave program" via Strongman Ontario. It is a 16 week program, run 4 days per week. As you bench twice per week, it has "1A" and "1B" workouts. "1A" is the first bench press workout of the week and "1B" is the…
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Frozenkilt 8 Week Overhead Press Program Spreadsheet This is Frozenkilt's pressing program, which is an 8 week, 4 days per week program that focuses on bench press, overhead press (aka military press), and dumbbell press. It was primarily written for a strongman athlete. Frozenkilt 8 Week Pressing Program Spreadsheet Source