How to Pass the Real Estate Appraisal Exam? (+Sample Questions)

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To become a real estate appraiser, in addition to completing the qualifying education and work experience, you would also need to pass the National Uniform Licensing and Certification Examinations. This is the required exam for being a Licensed Residential Appraiser, Certified Residential Appraiser, and Certified General Appraiser.

So how to pass the real estate appraisal exam? To pass the real estate appraisal exam, an exam taker must obtain a passing score of 75 out of the 125 questions.

Passing the appraiser exam does take some effort and studying time. But just like anything, nothing worthwhile comes easy. The good news is there are different tools in helping you to prepare for the appraiser exam.

I notice that some of you may find it stressful and challenging to pass the test. Therefore, I did extensive research and gathered feedback from several appraisers who have gone through the exam process.

In this article, I’d love to share with you what I learned from them, helpful ideas to prepare for the exam, and the appraisal subjects that could be tested.

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