Economic events that require recording in financial statements

The Accounting Information System

An example of a proper journal entry follows. Return to the example of Sierra. On October 1 the owner invested $10,000 cash in the business, in exchange for $10,000 of Sierra Corporation common stock.Both Cash and Common Stock would increase by $10,000.This transaction would be recorded in the following manner:

Study Ob jective 6 - What a Ledger is and How it Helps in the Recording Process

We typically think of foreign correspondents keeping journals. Journals are actually diaries. You can think of the journal used in accounting as a diary that has a chronological listing of the financial transactions of a business. Accounts facilitate the classification of financial information. For example, all of the transactions pertaining to cash may be found in the cash account. The same is true for all of the other accounts, accounts receivable, inventory, etc.

Study Ob jective 7 - What Posting is and How it Helps in the Recording Process

Posting is the process of transferring journal entries to the ledger accounts.

Posting accumulates the effects of journal transactions in the individual ledger accounts.

Study Ob jective 8 - The Purpose of a Trial Balance